January 2025 Monthly Meeting (and a multi-club swap meet!)

We have two upcoming events for January:
- Our regular monthly meeting on Monday, January 20 at 7:30PM.
- A 5-club swap meet on Sunday, January 19 from 10:30AM to 3:30PM
Monthly Meeting
Our presenter this month will be Rich Pierce from the Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island. His presentation is titled "A Second Look at Tetras". Rich is currently the president of the the Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island.
We all kept tetras in community tanks when we started keeping aquariums. Eventually many of us specialized in other fish such as cichlids, killifish or livebearers.
I invite you to take a second look at tetras and see them in a new light as fish interesting to keep in their own right.
Going forward, our meeting location at the Aquarium has moved from the cafe to the Simons IMAX Theatre; look for the BAS sign when as you are walking up to the front door.
After the talk, we will have our usual monthly auction, with a 50/50 split.
As a reminder, there is always plenty of street parking in the area especially along India Street (set your GPS for 35 India Street). Parking meters are free due to the holiday. Paid parking is available nearby in the Boston Harbor Garage. If you are taking the MBTA, take the Blue line to Aquarium.
5-Club Swap Meet
There will be a 5 club swap meet held the day before our monthly meeting in Rehoboth, MA from 10:30AM to 3:30PM. The details can be found on the flyer below. Entrance is free, and the BAS has reserved table space for any club members who would like to bring items to either swap or sell.

Upcoming Events
Reminder that our February meeting will be our annual tour of the New England Aquarium.
Our March meeting will be a talk on axolotls.
Subscribing to the BAS mailing list will ensure you receive reminders about monthly speakers, our annual NEAQ Tour, as well as Quarterly and Yearly Auctions and other club events.