Local Fish Stores

Friends of the BAS

It's A Pet's World
147 Bridge St
Weymouth, MA
(781) 331-0181 (Kyle or Michelle)

The Funky Koi
41 Porter Street
Berkley, MA 02779
(508) 880-0274

Ken's Fish, Inc.
360 Broadway
Taunton, MA 02780
(774) 501-3374 (Ken)

Lovely Pets
85 Summer Street
Kingston, MA 02364
(617) 786-1898 (Steve)

Tropic Isle Aquarium
686 Worcester Road, Rt. 9
East Framingham, MA 01702
(508) 875-5303
(800) 339-5303 (toll-free)

Uncle Ned's Fish Factory
1590 Main St. (Rte. 109)
Millis, MA 02054
(508) 533- 5969 (Ned)