BAS Photo Competition
Do you have aquariums or fish you’d like to show off? Do you enjoy seeing what other members of the club keep in their tanks? Do you like prizes?
Starting in 2023, the BAS will be launching a monthly photo competition!

How to Participate
Each month's photo competition either has a theme, or is "open". During open months without a theme, you may submit photos of any aquatic flora or fauna (both freshwater and marine).
Month | Theme |
March 2023 | Open |
April 2023 | Catfish/Plecos |
May 2023 | Open |
June 2023 | Livebearers |
July 2023 | Open |
August 2023 | Cichlids |
September 2023 | Open |
October 2023 | Killifish/Tetras/Danios |
November 2023 | Open |
December 2023 | Open |
To participate, upload your photo using this form. The deadline for entry will be the day before the monthly BAS meeting. (Entries might be accepted after the deadline, but is not guaranteed).
If you are unable to submit an entry via this form, please email [email protected] instead.
The fine print
- Photo competition entrants must either be a BAS member or a visitor from a NEC-affiliated club.
- You may only submit photos that you have personally taken. Submitted photos may be posted publicly on the BAS website, so by submitting you grant the BAS the rights to share your photo (with attribution).
- The subject of your photo does not need to be from your own fishroom (but if you submit a photo of someone else's fish, you should attribute it and ask permission).
- Each club member may submit one entry per month
- Voting will take place by active BAS mambers during our monthly club meetings. Points will be awarded each month as follows:
1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 8 points
3rd place = 5 points
Cash prizes will be awarded in January 2024 based on cumulative point totals over 2023.
1st place winner = $50
2nd place winner = $30
3rd place winner = $20
How to take great aquarium photos
Taking photos of fish in home aquariums can be challenging--but it doesn't need to be! Current smart phones, without special lights or equipment, can be used to take professional-level photos.
If you're looking to level up your fish photography skills, check out some of the following resources:
If you have a DSLR, this article provides some more advanced tips as well. If you have any tips of your own for how to take high-quality photos of your aquariums and would be willing to write an article for the site, we want to hear from you! Reach out to James Curtin at the next BAS meeting.