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President's Message: Next meeting is July 15th

President's Message: Next meeting is July 15th

A special thanks for Tony Pinto for giving an in depth talk on French Guyana and collecting native fish. We were competing with the Celtics but still managed 25 people at the meeting. It was a buyers auction as way more lots than sellers.

Our July meeting has Rick Rego from the RI Club giving us a talk on invasive freshwater fish in Florida. We will have a slight twist to our regular 50/50 auction. A seller's highest lot will be a three dollar split to the club and the rest to the seller. All other lots will be 50/50, so bring in a high end item next month!

Also, there will be no meeting in August.

If you maintain an aquarium or want to learn more about fish keeping, consider attending our monthly meetings. We meet monthly at the New England Aquarium. Meetings are open to all and you do not need to be a member to attend. Consider being a member as there are benefits like member raffles, annual New England Aquarium Tour, and group buys. Meetings are usually the 3rd Monday of the month and begin at 8pm.

There is plenty of street parking for our meetings, set your GPS for 49 India Street and there should be empty meter spots. Meters are on till 8pm, so you may need to put in 2-3 quarters.

Chuck Fittz, BAS President